September 16, 2019 Megahoot Announces the Soft Launch of DocuMega, a Blockchain Enabled Encrypted eSignature and Collaboration Platform for the Masses
Technology company Megahoot, LLC announced today that the company is soft launching its blockchain enabled encrypted electronic signature and collaboration platform DocuMega. The platform will initially allow for the uploading, electronically signing, sharing and storage of various documents from agreements to letters and more.
DocuMega crosses blockchain technology with proprietary encryption in order to provide a heavily secure environment on the platform, protecting users documents and data. The platform is scalable not only for increased usage but also for additional functionality that will allow for enterprise to have a comprehensive platform that can be dedicated to their specific needs. Such additional functionality as encrypted audio and video calls, encrypted and ephemeral messaging of text, photos and documents, secure document sharing and many more features that will make DocuMega stand out from the crowd.
One of the advantages of DocuMega is its integration into the Megahoot ecosystem which includes the Megahoot Vault for safekeeping of documents, the usage of the “XMG” coin to avoid storing credit card information in the future on the platform, the integration of encrypted messenging platforms which include video and audio calls, dedicated and branded platforms specifically for enterprise as well as integration in the future with a number of CRM and Cloud platforms for ease of use.
Another unique advantage of DocuMega is that it is the only electronic signature platform integrated into the Megahoot ecosystem but is also a stand alone platform which allows it to integrate into many other platforms outside of Megahoot. The purpose is to provide users with a seamless and simple user experience that will span over various devices and various platforms.
The use of DocuMega is ideal for any industry that has to execute documents, letters, sales contracts, event registrations, budget approvals, purchase orders, non-disclosure agreements, independent contractor agreements, employment agreements, purchase and sales agreements and more, so this is mostly every industry. Real estate, construction, financial services, retail, manufacturing, accounting, transport, insurance, agriculture and education are some examples and its also ideal for individuals who have a need to electronically execute documents locally or globally at their convenience.
The development of mobile apps for DocuMega is in development as well as Megahoot acquiring the various ISO designations which designates that it meets or exceeds their global security standards.
Megahoot is a beacon of innovation and DocuMega is another prime example of the innovation that is coming out of the Megahoot team. The DocuMega electronic signature platform will also be integrated into the smart technology that will be in many of Spartan Modular Technologies commercial and residential builds, these builds use various panelized systems across many different composites as well as steel which allows for Spartan to become a true asset to any builder or developer globally. With the assistance of FGA Partners, Spartan will also be able to offer financing solutions to builders that will give them the ability to complete their projects using Spartan’s building systems in a timely fashion.
The DocuMega electronic signature platform’s soft launch allows users to upload, store and electronically sign their documents, share them and request for signatures from other parties, all FREE of charge.
For more information on DocuMega please go to
About the Megahoot Vault
The Megahoot Vault has been developed with additional security features and the ability to securely hold and exchange Pecu Novus and XMG coins initially but will onboard a number of other digital assets soon. The utilization of a proprietary escrow system for digital assets. The vault will have the ability to hold digital documents such as real estate or other transactional agreements securely for transaction utilizing Pecu Novus or XMG coins. There are many other features that are in development that will be released for a soft launch as they are completed.. For more information go to
About Megahoot LLC
Megahoot is a Technology Company focused on secure private collaboration platforms for business and personal use, incorporating ephemeral messaging, high security, use of cryptography and secure mobility. Products include the Megahoot Vault which is a digital vault for highly secure holding of various cryptocurrencies, loyalty tokens and soon digital documents. With the use of blockchain technology Megahoot will be venturing into various industries from smart homes to health care and more utilizing its blockchain technology platform that will allow corporations globally to create dedicated blockchain networks for their businesses for everything from accounting, logistics, supply chain management, security, education and much more. Megahoot LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of FGA Partners. For more information on Megahoot please go to